Welcome Back

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, 

Welcome back to Westfall High School! We hope you had a rejuvenating summer break filled with wonderful memories. As we embark on a new school year, it is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as your new principal. My name is Dana Ortman, and I am honored to join this esteemed school community, which values education and hard work. 

I am incredibly excited to work alongside our talented faculty and staff to ensure a nurturing and enriching educational experience for each of our students. Together, we will continue to uphold Westfall's focus on learning, in alignment with our mission of student safety, educating the whole child, and individual student academic success. 

To our returning students, welcome back! Your dedication and enthusiasm are the heartbeat of our school, and I look forward to celebrating your achievements and supporting your growth throughout the year. 

To our new students and families joining us this year, welcome to the Westfall High School family! We are thrilled to have you with us and are committed to providing you with every opportunity to succeed academically, socially, and personally. 

Throughout the year, we will prioritize open communication, collaboration, and a safe, inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. I encourage you to engage fully in all that WHS has to offer—from academics and extracurricular activities to service opportunities and student leadership. 

Also, with the recent passing of House Bill 250, which requires that all Ohio school districts emphasize limiting cellphone use and reducing cellphone-related distractions in classrooms, we will prohibit cell phone use on school property during school hours. More information will be forthcoming in our school handbook and board-approved official district cell phone policy. 

Below, you will find some additional Back to School information for the upcoming school year at Westfall High School. 

Emergency Medical and Registration Forms
Parents/Guardians of every student enrolled at Westfall Local Schools must complete Final Forms online registration before the first day of school. Documents such as Emergency Medical Forms, Acceptable Use Policies, and Handbook Agreements are available and must be completed online using FinalForms. This platform allows parents/guardians to complete and e-sign forms for their students. The forms can be found on our website or by clicking https://westfall-oh.finalforms.com/

School Day Structure
Our schools will open at 7:20 am. Please do not drop students off (especially in winter months) before this time, as the doors cannot be opened until then. If your student arrives after 7:30 am, your student will be marked tardy. The dismissal bell rings at 2:30 pm. 

Student Code of Conduct 
All students will receive an electronic copy of the student handbook through Final Forms. The handbook includes all rules, including attendance, dress code, and discipline procedures. 

All absences must be reported to the office by calling 740-986-2911. If you do not reach the office personnel, please leave a message with your student's name and reason for the absence. 

If you have questions or special requests for transportation, you MUST contact our transportation department director, Becky Shaw, in advance. Bus notes or telephone calls regarding transportation changes will NOT be accepted in the school offices. 

Food Services
Applications are available through the Free & Reduced Meal Application, effective August 1, 2024. Eligibility for free and reduced-price lunches is based on federal income guidelines or participation in programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Ohio Works First. We encourage ALL families to complete the quick and easy Free/Reduced Meal Application by August 13, 2024, to ensure qualified students are in the system prior to the start of school. 

Middle/High School Menu 

If your child has prescribed medication that must be administered during school hours, please contact the school nurse for proper documentation. If your child requires over-the-counter medication, it can be administered at school if necessary. However, it must be in the original container, have the student's name marked on the container, and be accompanied by a note outlining administration instructions. All medicines (prescribed or over-the-counter) must be dropped off to the school nurse by a parent or guardian. 

First Day of School 
Please note that Wednesday, August 14, 2024, will be the first day back to school for NINTH GRADE only. It will be a full day for our freshmen students, with transportation and meals provided. Freshmen will receive their schedules and become familiar with their classes and teachers. The remaining student body's first day back to school will be Thursday, August 15, 2024. 

Open House 
There will be an open house event for students and families on Monday, August 12, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Students will be provided with their schedules and lockers at this time. They will be able to tour the building, meet their teachers, and ask any questions. 

Student Schedules 
Student schedules will be available for review through ProgressBook. Schedules WILL NOT be available in the school offices before the first day of school. If a student is not able to obtain their schedule through ProgressBook or Open House, they will receive it upon their arrival on their assigned first day of school.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, ideas, or concerns you may have. Your feedback is invaluable as we work together to make this school year exceptional. 

I look forward to meeting each of you and embarking on this journey of learning and growth together. Here's to a fantastic school year ahead! 

Warm regards,

Mr. Dana Ortman 
Principal, Westfall High School