Welcome Back

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome! On behalf of the faculty and staff of Westfall Middle School, I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. We hope you had a pleasant summer and are ready for a productive school year.

Westfall Schools is committed to creating a learning culture of excellence that encourages and supports all students in their academic and personal growth. We look forward to working with you to assist you in becoming a career—or college-ready individual. To that end, it is our goal to provide a safe, positive, stimulating environment that allows each student to excel to his/her greatest potential.

We encourage you to challenge yourself to study and learn as much about each academic subject as possible. Set goals for yourself and always strive to be the best person you can be. Good grades are essential; however, what you learn and how you treat others is even more important.

Get involved! Be a committed school leader! School activities are exciting and can foster lasting friendships.

Below, you will find some important Back to School information for this upcoming school year at Westfall Middle School.

Emergency Medical and Registration Forms
Parents/Guardians of every student enrolled at Westfall Local Schools must complete Final Forms online registration before the first day of school. Documents such as Emergency Medical Forms, Acceptable Use Policies, and Handbook Agreements are available and must be completed online using FinalForms. This platform allows parents/guardians to complete and e-sign forms for their students. The forms can be found on our website or by clicking https://westfall-oh.finalforms.com/.

School Day Structure
Our schools will open at 7:20 am. Please do not drop students off (especially in winter months) before this time, as the doors cannot be opened until then. If your student arrives after 7:30 am, your student will be marked tardy. The dismissal bell rings at 2:30 pm.

Student Code of Conduct
All students will receive an electronic copy of the student handbook through Final Forms. The handbook includes all rules, including attendance, dress code, and discipline procedures. 

All absences must be reported to the office by calling 740-986-2941. If you do not reach the office personnel, please leave a message with your child’s name and reason for the absence. 

If you have questions or special requests for transportation, you MUST contact our transportation department director, Becky Shaw, in advance.  Bus notes or telephone calls regarding transportation changes will NOT be accepted in the school offices.

Food Service
Applications are available through the Free & Reduced Meal Application, effective August 1, 2024. Eligibility for free and reduced-price lunches is based on federal income guidelines or participation in programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Ohio Works First. We encourage ALL families to complete the quick and easy Free/Reduced Meal Application by August 13, 2024, to ensure qualified students are in the system prior to the start of school.

Middle/High School Menu

Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Middle school parents who drop off and pick up their students on a daily basis will use the parking lot on the south side of the building. Students will use the sidewalk to walk around to the front of the building for arrival and come out of the first set of doors on the side south of the building for dismissal. Please DO NOT use the bus parking lots for student drop-off or pick-up.

If your child has prescribed medication that must be administered during school hours, please contact the school nurse for proper documentation.  If your child requires over-the-counter medication, it can be administered at school if necessary. However, it must be in the original container, have the student’s name marked on the container, and be accompanied by a note outlining administration instructions. All medicines (prescribed or over-the-counter) must be dropped off to the school nurse by a parent or guardian.

First Day of School
Please note that Wednesday, August 14, 2024, will be the first day back to school for SIXTH GRADE only. It will be a full day for 6th-grade students, with transportation and meals provided. 6th-graders will receive their schedules, meet staff, and acclimate to new surroundings without distraction. The remaining student body’s first day back to school will be Thursday, August 15, 2024. 

Open House
There will be an open house event for students on Monday, August 12, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Students will be provided with their schedules and lockers at this time. They will be able to tour the building, meet their teachers, and ask any questions. Bus routes will also be posted.

Student Schedules
Student schedules will be available for review through ProgressBook.  Schedules WILL NOT be available in the school offices before the first day of school.  If a student is not able to obtain their schedule through ProgressBook or Open House, they will receive it upon their arrival on their assigned first day of school.

We are ready and excited to welcome all of our Middle School students back from summer vacation, especially our new incoming 6th graders! 


Mr. Joseph Jude, WMS Principal