Westfall Local Schools 2020-2021 Final Forms are now available!
UPDATE: A technology agreement has been recently added and requires a signature to obtain a Chromebook for this school year. A Chromebook cannot be assigned to a student without the completion of this agreement. If you have already completed your student's Final Form before today, please log back into Final Forms and double-check that this form has been completed.
Parents/guardians of every student enrolled at Westfall Local Schools, regardless of which option they choose (in-person or online), will need to complete Final Forms online registration as soon as possible. The forms can be found on our website or by clicking https://westfall-oh.finalforms.com/.
It is a data management system designed to streamline and simplify paperwork. Westfall Local Schools have used Final Forms in previous years for our Athletics student data management and have recently begun using the program for our Academics student data management. Final Forms will help simplify student enrollment, back-to-school forms, and student data reports with ease regarding Academics.
If you have already signed up your student for a school sport using the Final Forms system, you will use the same login information you have already used for Athletics. If your child has not participated in a school sport, you will need to set up an account.
- Go to https://westfall-oh.finalforms.com/.
- Under Parent, either login in with the previous account details you used for Athletics or set up a New Account. (Please remember to use the same account if you have an athlete)
- Click on Register Student. Or Add Student
- Complete Register a New Student. (if you have already registered your students, you will click on Update Forms)
- You can complete the Sports information at a later date. For now, click on Skip, not a student-athlete. If you have already been using final forms for sports, you may see No Changes, Proceed to Forms, click on that and proceed.
- Now you will complete every one of the forms listed in pink/red on the left of the screen. As you complete them, they will turn yellow or green.
- Once you have completed all the forms, your student will be sent an email telling them how to complete their portion of the forms.
Change of Address: To be eligible for district transportation, Westfall Local Schools must have the student's current address on file. If you have recently moved, please update the student's Final Form with the current address and mail or drop off two (2) proof of residency documents to confirm the address change to your student's building.
Required documents can be a copy of rental/lease agreement, mortgage coupon, property tax statement, a current utility bill, or an Ohio Driver's License with current address.
Custody Agreement Updates: If there is a new court-ordered shared custody agreement, please provide a copy of this documentation to your student's school at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call:
Middle School Office: (740) 986-2941