Congratulations to our October REAL Mustangs!!
Veteran names, pictures, and RSVP's are due TOMORROW. Names and pictures will be accepted until November 3rd. Thank you for helping us honor our veterans!
Mrs. Woods' class has been working on beginning, middle, end & point of view this week. To go along with the Halloween theme, they read Creepy Carrots. Students wrote about the point of view of both main characters & picked important events for their summary. Then they created their own creepy carrot!
WES Student Council is hosting a drive-thru Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 27! In order to help the process go more smoothly, we are splitting the evening into two groups: Preschool-2nd grade 5:00-6:15 and 3rd grade-5th grade 6:30-7:45.
Kick off your Christmas shopping at the Student Council Spirit Store! Be to sure to check out the Santa Claus Mustang items! Visit now until November 4!
Wishing our ladies luck today as they represent Westfall Local School District at the Circleville Pumpkin Show!
First Grade classes celebrated the end of their pumpkin unit with a pumpkin taste testing experience! Students tasted a variety of pumpkin foods and decided which was their favorite.
Every Westfall Elementary student has a piece of art submitted in the Pumpkin Show art contest this year! Be sure to stop by the Circleville Pumpkin Show building at 133 Watt St to check out the masterpieces on display!
REMINDER: Westfall Local Schools will have a 2-hour early release for students on Tuesday, October 19 to kick off fall break! Classes will not be in session for students October 20-22 in celebration of the Circleville Pumpkin Show!
Great turnout at our girls youth basketball clinic today! It was awesome seeing all our future Lady Mustangs!
Westfall Local Schools will have a 2-hour early release for students on Tuesday, October 19 to kick off fall break! Classes will not be in session for students October 20-22 in celebration of the Circleville Pumpkin Show!
Please Note: WES Menu Update
Youth Boys Basketball Mini Camp
Thursday, October 14
Students in first grade made pumpkin playdough in the learning lab. First, they learned how to use measurements to create a recipe using cornstarch, pumpkin purée, and pumpkin spice. Then, if the recipe didn't work, they discussed which ingredients to adjust to improve it.
CONGRATULATIONS to our September REAL Mustangs! They were chosen by administration for being Reflective, Engaged, Achieving, and Leading. Keep up the great work!
Reminder for tomorrow's COLOR WAR!
The Pickaway County Soil & Water Conservation visited the first grade classrooms this week to teach the students about the pumpkin life cycle. Students then planted pumpkin seeds & created a pumpkin life cycle timeline!
Westfall Elementary Student Council will be hosting a drive-through Trunk or Treat this year on October 27! To help traffic flow smoothly, we've split the event into two groups. If you have students in both groups, you may choose the group you’d like to come with.
REMINDER: WES Picture Day is Friday, September 24. Order online at using Picture Day ID: EVTWZCXQG
Westfall High School's HOCO Spirit Week is next week and we're joining in on the fun! Show your school spirit and have some fun with these dress up days: