Our playground reconstruction is complete and our students are so excited to play on the new equipment! To view photos of the playground progress, please visit https://www.westfall.k12.oh.us/o/wes/article/526829
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Playground 1
Playground 2
Playground 3
Congratulations to our August Staff Members of the Month! Abby Woods, second-grade teacher; Kevin Helsel, custodian; and Carole Moore, administrative assistant.
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
August SOTM
Best wishes to our 2021 Westfall representatives for the "Greatest Free Show on Earth" Circleville Pumpkin Show! Pictured (L-R): Olivia Dumm, Miss Pumpkin Show; Brooklyn Steward, Little Miss Pumpkin Show; and Cierra Johnson, Miss Pumpkin Show. Olivia and Cierra were selected by their peers and will represent Westfall High School. Brooklyn was selected as a part of our annual Little Miss Westfall raffle and will represent Westfall Elementary! Congratulations and best of luck!
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Pumpkin Show
Student Council and the WES Counselors will be sponsoring a PJ Day on Thursday, September 16th. Students can bring in $1.00 to wear their pajamas. Please make sure the pajamas are school appropriate and you have proper shoes for gym or recess. Two of our Westfall Elementary families have experienced an unexpected loss in the last few months. ALL the proceeds from this day will be given to these families to help them during this time. If you wish to make any extra donations, those will also be given to the family as well. If you want to write a check, please make checks payable to Westfall Elementary Student Council. Thank you for your support!
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
PJ Day
Today, we remember all the lives we lost on that fateful day 20 years ago. The brave first responders who put themselves in harm’s way. The way our nation came together as one with a shared sense of patriotism, even if just for a moment. We will never forget.
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
WES Picture Day is Friday, September 24. Order online at https://my.lifetouch.com using Picture Day ID: EVTWZCXQG
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
WES Picture Day1
WES Picture Day2
As Patriot Day nears, marking the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, we encourage everyone to recognize this as a time to pause, reflect, and express gratitude for those who fight to protect us and preserve our freedom.
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
While crews are finishing the playground reconstruction, we ask that parents/guardians continue to pick-up & drop-off students in the front parking lot through Friday, September 10. To follow along with the playground progress, please visit the WES website at http://www.westfallschools.com.
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
WES parking lot
Mrs. Woods' 2nd-grade class has been busy discussing the five steps of the scientific process. Recently, they experimented with M&Ms which allowed the students to make observations, ask questions, identify and control variables, and design a valid experiment.
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Our bus drivers stayed after drop-off this morning to teach our preschoolers about bus safety. They reviewed bus rules, how to cross the street, understand hand signals, and practiced evacuating the bus. Thank you to Terri, Lisa and Cindy for teaching our kids how to be safe when riding the school bus!
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Bus Safety 1
Bus Safety 2
Bus Safety 3
Bus Safety 4
AG DAY! Westfall FFA students taught 4th graders from around the county (including our Mustangs!) about livestock, bees, machinery, soil, and water during today's field trip at the Pickaway County Fairgrounds.
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Ag Day1
Ag Day2
Ag Day3
Ag Day4
REMINDER: There will be no school on Monday, September 6th, 2021 in observation of Labor Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 7th, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Labor Day
Ms. Wolfe's kindergartners got into the Buckeye spirit by enjoying a tailgate snack outside in the sunshine!
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Buckeye Day
Buckeye Day 2
Another butterfly release... it's a GIRL! Mrs. Wippel's 2nd-grade class released their newly hatched monarch this afternoon!
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
It was the perfect day to be outside, enjoying some afternoon reading and snacks!
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Due to playground reconstruction, elementary pick-up and drop-off will be in the front small parking lot by the kindergarten wing today (September 1) through next Thursday (September 9). We will keep you updated on any new adjustments. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
WES parking lot
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: There will be no school on Monday, September 6th, 2021 in observation of Labor Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 7th, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Labor Day
Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Huff's first-grade students worked on a STEM activity to save a gummy worm named Sam, who capsized his boat & lost his life jacket. They must rescue Sam, turn his boat right side up & put on his life jacket, all without hurting Sam or dropping him into the lake
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Mrs. Woods' 2nd-grade class enjoyed a beautiful monarch butterfly release! 🦋 Special thanks to Westfall substitute teacher, John Brown, for donating the chrysalis to the class!
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Due to district transportation being utilized to transport middle and high school students on the 2-hour early release schedule, both AM and PM preschool classes have been cancelled for tomorrow, Thursday, August 26. Head Start will not be affected by this transportation update. This notice can also be found on our district website at http://www.westfallschools.com.
over 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools